Monday, May 12, 2014

What is it all about?

Name of the Campaign: LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP, NOT WAR!
Objectives of the campaign:
1. to raise students` awareness regarding the possibility of a war danger for Romania
2. to express personal opinions about war
Final products of the campaign:
* informal letters written by every member of the NGO
* opinion essay written on war
* survey about the conflict in Ukraine
* poster
* photos

Let’s fight war, instead!

                                           (A MANIFEST AGAINST WAR)

Over the past decade or so, it has become more and more obvious that our planet will suffer irreparable damage if the people of the world fail to act. There is no doubt that war means destruction, not the destruction of people but the destruction of the entire civilization. We believe that war is no more than a proof of the degeneracy of human kind.
First of all, all the wars we have known so far and will probably know a long time from now are the wars between people. A contradiction of opinions, sleazy interests of careless people and the thirst for power are some of the causes of mass destruction. The problem is that in fact we fight against our own kind in a meaningless battle whose results are nothing but death, poverty and dashed civilizations. Moreover, we let ourselves get caught in a continuous struggle to prove our point of view, our beliefs, or simply to prove that we are better or more powerful than the others, but in reality we only reveal how much men can fall.
In addition to that, we should all stop for a moment and think of what a war truly means. A war means not only some countries fighting each other in the name of some beliefs or any other reasons, but the destruction of our planet. In fact, we represent such a small part of a much bigger universe and we depend on our planet because without it, we wouldn’t be alive. So with every conflict, we destroy another part of our system. And then there is the question we should ask ourselves: what will happen when our planet is too damaged and hurt?
Because of war, everything that has been built will be destroyed, and the world will stagnate. There will be no evolution, nor proper education. We already lost so many years of development because of wars, and we do not afford to lose any in the future….for the good and safety of the future generations.
Do we really want to start a revolution against our evolution? Do we really want to fight and destroy our future? We consider ourselves better than that, but why aren’t we? We should be concerned about how to help mankind evolve and offer our younger generation opportunities to follow their path through a fulfilling life. So all in all, not only does our entire existence depend on our own decision, but we can also make a change and improve this world that we are living in. Let’s be united, let’s fight against war, let’s live life as we’ve always dreamed of.

                                                                                                THE MEMBERS OF THE NGO

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Letters to the World (9)

To whom it may concern
War, I don't even like this word, I even hate the computer games with war content. Human desire is love, love means peace. Every time when a war starts, I get scared or when I hear something about war, people die and it is horrible. It's a true pain when a mother runs away with her children because of the danger, when fathers are recruited for army, and they may never come back to see their kids anymore. The stupid thing is that the conflict came out of foolish things. My father told me about my grandfather, how he was in the army.. All these stories are interesting but honestly, I don't know anything about wars... I can't even imagine... But definitely it is bad... People can't laugh, can't go and play outside, we can't go for a walk. We can't have freedom. Plus the financial problems, the prices will rise, it is going to appear a crisis. It definitely won't come good things from war, only bad ones. Peace is everything that we need, soul peace, country peace, all I desire for every nation in this world is peace.


Letters to the World (8)

To whom it may concern,

We have all heard about war since we were little. So have I, too. My parents and my grandparent told me about it and I have always been afraid of wars. I personally don’t like war and warriors at all, even if I find them in stories, books, movies, music or history…
Now, I hear about war all day long! At school, the boys are scared that it will be necessary to have to learn how to protect our country, our teachers discuss with us about possible consequences of this moment, of possibly being involved in a war, women are terrified because they don’t wanna lose their husbands, sons, brothers, friends… It is not how it is supposed to be in the world!!!
I can only imagine how war is and I’m really frightened about it. I can say I’m a dreamer, so I have a loooot of plans for my future and I can’t figure it out in such circumstances. I wish I could finish my studies, keep the relationships with my friends, go to the university, have a career, make my parents proud of me, make a family, a beautiful one, have children, grow them safely and have a peaceful, calm and happy life.
I think some of those future plans are universal, so I believe that each of us would like to have at least one of these and doesn’t comply to losing it. So let’s think about it… Is it the conflict between countries and the ambition of their leaders prior to the welfare of their citizens? Is this all about pride above freedom? Is it about the fear beyond the people’s smiles? Is war better than peace? Who answers positively at those questions must be insane!
I really don’t wanna replace the positive aspects of my life and our lives, too, with negative ones. I don’t want to turn hope into fear, happiness into anxiety, calm and silence into stress, smile into tears and peace into war.
After years, I wish I would breathe with relief. I also dream that when I re-read this letter I will smile and I will be happy to find that none of my plans was destroyed and I am still implementing them and counting awesome moments of life. Peace!

With concern, but hope,

Letters to the World (7)

To whom it may concern,

War is something we’re taught to fear since our young days. It represents the worst period a person can live through because of the violent environment that is created.
Recently, there appeared a conflict between countries close to mine. Tho’ I didn’t know anything about it until I started writing about it, I don’t know if it had an impact on our population. I think war is something that shouldn’t be witnessed or lived. I found out that innocent men are shot in broad daylight, I am frightened about this fact and I wish the war would reach an end, as soon as possible. Being so close to our country I live with the fear that one day I’ll wake up and find out that I need to go to war. This would be the last thing I need. I look in our past and realize that nothing good came as a result of war, instead, we only had uncountable innocent victims and their place can be taken one day, if this war takes place.
I consider that war should never be an option when dealing with international problems.

Tiron Andrei

Friday, May 9, 2014

Creating the Anti - war Poster

The 9 members of the team are creating a poster in order to show and inform their colleagues with the aim of raising responsability and awareness

Survey results

100 students involved in the survey
Students seem to be much aware of the existence of a threat from any conflict close to their borders(90%), mostly because they are informed about the fact that Ukraine has common borders with Romania(85%). They are not prepared to be involved in any military service/ training(90%) even if they feel afraid of the consequences of such a conflict(90%) and think that the conflict in Ukraine could change the map of Europe(60%) Students consider that Romania is very exposed(100%) and that theur life is to be affected one way or another(100%).
100 parents involved in the survey
Parents feel helpless regarding their power to protect their children from a conflict, particularly from a war(85%) and cannot think of having their children trained with a view to such a conflict(75%)

The survey reflects that Romanians are worried about the possibility to become part of a conflict(civil, war), they don`t see any solutions to war, they are afraid and not prepared to get ready for a war, they seem to feel the changes, both in their life and in the politics of the country.